THE INFLUENCE OF CHILDREN IN YAKURR HISTORY. (A case study of Mkpani) . Mkpani shared the eastern boundary with Nko, in the west with Ugep and Ekori, and southern boundary with Agoi. Yakurr migratory history attested the fact that, Mkpani , Idomi and Ugep constituted the first phase of migration from Akpa, and settled at ketabebe in the present day Ugep. Oral tradition reveals that at Ugep, Mkpani constituted a kindred group.Semeon Ibor (2006) asserted that Mkpani people were called "Okurubong" Later the Mkpani founded the cause to migrate from Ugep following a misunderstanding between them, as a result of the death of Ugep boy. This act according to tradition is an abomination, indicating that, Okurubong had killed a kinsman and the tradition dictated that the family of Mkpani must pay compensation to the deceased family with a male child. This tradition of human compensation is still been mentioned among some communities in Yakurr, though null and void in practice. When ...