Obol Lopon of Mkpani Promises Transformative and Qualitative Leadership as he Inaugurates a New Mkpani Town Council.
By Eteng Obono Okoi.
H.R.H Obol Sunday Obono Okoi the Obol Lopon of Mkpani.
Hon.(Evang.)Nnanke Liberty Ibor (Chairman Mkpani Town Council)
Mkpani as a town in Yakurr Local Government Area is described in many superlatives. The Mkpani community is prided as the “Lion of Yakurr nation”. It is regarded as a peace loving and the most peaceful community in Yakurr. For the avoidance of doubt, Mkpani people have people at high levels of government in Cross River State, Nigeria and the world over who have everything it takes to transform the community for the challenges of the 21st Century. Yet, development eludes it.
Despite, the fact that Mkpani has produced people whose names rings bell far and wide, the community still lacks basic infrastructures such as cottage hospital, good access roads, good market etc. Public Primary and Secondary schools in Mkpani are in a dilapidated condition.
The immediate past Mkpani Town Council administration that was established as a 4th-tier of government to be a link between the community and the government woefully failed the people. But today, the people of Mkpani’s dreams of being a measure force in the Local, state and national politics and beyond has been actualized. Consequently, the ascendancy of HRH Obol Sunday Obono Okoi into the Royal Throne of Mkpani on the 27th, October, 2011 and the subsequent inauguration of a transformative Mkpani Town Council on the 2nd June, 2011, has put the question of bad leadership in Mkpani into a silent mood once again.
First in the agenda of HRH Obol Sunday Obono Okoi was to restore peace in the area, strengthen common grounds; develop new areas of understanding and collaboration to seek fresh ideas that would enrich the community consciousness. That his leadership shall be built on passion and patriotism to match the hopes and aspirations of his people. He thought it wise that he can’t do it alone without the help of God Almighty. He believed that the church as an instrument of societal change and development has a great role to play and he has always involved its members to assist in the peace dialogue among all the component units of Mkpani.
On the Obol Lopon’s coronation acceptance speech on the 18th February, 2012, he promised the people of Mkpani transformative and qualitative leadership. The quality of persons that constitutes the new Mkpani Town Council indicates that, HRH Obol Sunday Obono Okoi is out for serious business.
In his address on the occasion on the 2nd June, 2012, HRH Obol Sunday Obono Okoi salute the people of Mkpani for keeping faith in their dreams for Mkpani ‘project’ whose primary objectives are to promote an endearing brotherhood aimed at preserving the much envied virtue of love and to promote the socio-economic wellbeing of the people.
He stated that “the survival of every community depends on its socio-economic wellbeing which undoubtedly guarantees growth and development. The realization of this goals will remain a dream without an established formidable machinery to effectively manage and coordinate the socio-economic affairs of the community”
He urged the new Councilors to always in good time as well as in trying times advances and protect the interest of Mkpani and not to allow their personal interest to be a stumbling block from doing justice to all. That, the new council should be built on passion and patriotism to match the hopes and aspirations of the people. He further urged them to demonstrate leadership with vision, capacity and sacrifice to transform the community to respond to the challenges of the contemporary age. Pointing out that, they should work to encourage a well regulated and conducive environment to promote commerce and peaceful co-existence among all the people in Mkpani. He stressed that, “Mkpani of our dreams must observe due processes and best practices and be committed to the promotion of a community base on ideas in the service of humanity and be engaged with all forces of good to whom the future happiness and prosperity of the people has a greater appeal”.
He re-affirmed that “the good of Mkpani people is a value above all other considerations and that we shall brook all odds and make necessary sacrifices to realize our collective goals.
Obol Sunday called on the good people of Mkpani both at home and in diaspora to enlist as agent of this transformation. He believed that being a son and daughter of Mkpani is a blessing and a great responsibility.
In his acceptance speech, the new Chairman of Mkpani Town Coucil Evangelist Nnanke Liberty Ibor re-affirmed his commitment to serve his good people of Mkpani. He, however, stated that his acceptance was in view of the fact that this might be the only opportunity to serve his people in the capacity of a Chairman of a Town Council.
Evangelist Nnanke Liberty who was appointed a member, but destiny made him the Chairman highlighted his administration objectives as follows:
(a) Effective revenue generation and adequate utilization of community funds.
(b) Promotion of political and traditional unity.
(c) Unite the sons and daughter of Mkpani both at home and in diaspora.
(d) Improve on the market structures by dialoguing with the government and investors
(e) Aiding Government to control revenue leakages.
(f) Improve on the educational standard of the community.
(g) Create political relevance of the people.
(h) Liaise with the government to improve on the existing infrastructures example SSC, Pipe born water project.
The Chairman pointed out that “to achieve these stated objectives his administration will cherish and carry every person along in the course of handling matters affecting the people of the community and will instill confidence in them, attract and take advantage of any incoming opportunity that suppose to be for the benefit of the community. The council will develop strong affection in coordinating matters of general interest in Mkpani and beyond. The Council is ready to utilize the best of any individual personality trait that lend credence to the smooth functioning of her operational guidelines. The Council will equally recognize and identify with our values as Mkpani people”.
He thank the leadership in Mkpani for finding him worthy to serve in this capacity.
In his comment, the Councilor representing Mkpani/Agoi Ward in the Yakurr Legislature, Hon. Inah Ibor Ubi re-affirmed his commitments to work closely with the new Mkpani Town Council to bring the much needed development to the people. He used the occasion to inform the people of Mkpani that he is undertaking a-ten lock-up shops at the Mkpani main market to boost commercial activities at the market.
Egba Ina Uket former Chairman of Mkpani Town Council and the current special assistant to Cross River State Governor, Liyel Imoke, commended HRH Obol Sunday Okoi the Obol Lopon of Mkpani and the Mkpani Council of Traditional Rulers for their transformative initiatives.
Okoi Utum Ina(Snr) a Lecturer with the College of Education Akamkpa, in his paper highlighted that “thinking of a new Town Council is like saying we have been in slumber for too long. It is time Mkpani people rise to the realities of the emerging new world. That Mkpani cannot as a people afford to remain docile and standoffish as this will be counter-productive, irresponsible, parochial and an unforgivable crime against us and generations yet to come. We must key in and accept the reality of the time and changes. He listed areas of concern to the council to include but not limited to educational empowerment, security challenges, the challenge of HIV/AIDS, cultism and sanitation.
Executive members of the newly formed council are;
1. Hon (Evang.) Nnanke Ibor Oboma (Chairman)
2. Hon. Eteng Okoi Onen (Vice Chairman)
3. Hon. Lawrence Bassey Enang (Secretary)
4. Hon. ThankGod Ina Ofem (Assistant Secretary)
5. Hon. Friday Ubi Ikpi (Financial Secretary)
6. Hon. Onen Igbor Ikoi (Treasurer)
7. Hon (Eld.) Ibiang Samson Obono (Public Relation Officer)
8. Hon. Patrick Ubangha Eno (Provost)
9. Hon. Elijah Ubi Liman
10. Hon. Ebri Nkanu Amos
11. Hon. Mary Bassey Eno
12. Hon. Catherine Omori
13. Hon. Enor Utum Ekambe
14. Hon. Monday Emmanuel Oboma
15. Hon. Usang Effiom Eteng
16. Hon. Ina Eteng Lekam
17. Hon. George Obono Obeten
18. Hon. Sylvester Ubi Omini
19. Hon. Cornelius Ebri Uket
20. Hon. Knight Martins Uket Ekpo
21. Hon. Teresa Uket Ndu
22. Hon. Gift Vincent Obeten
23. Hon. Emmanuela Fidelis Eno
24. Hon. Uket Eteng Oboma
25. Hon. Eugene Eteng Omori
26. Hon. Esther Ibor Akpama
27. Hon. Atim Leko Ettah
28. Hon. Elder David Abam Ofem
29. Hon. Eno Ibor Ofem
30. Hon. Ofem Eteng Enang
31. Hon. Edet Ofem Ibor
32. Hon. Dickson Obeten Ibiang
33. Hon. Patrick Okoi Ofem
34. Hon. Beatrice Okon Effiom
35. Hon. Ofem Egwu Eno
36. Hon. Omini Etim Oboma
37. Hon. Ikpi Ibor Ofem
38. Hon. Ikwo Eyo Ofem
39. Hon. Ikwo Bassey Eteng
40. Hon. (Sp.) Ekor Abam Ofem

Mkpani as a town in Yakurr Local Government Area is described in many superlatives. The Mkpani community is prided as the “Lion of Yakurr nation”. It is regarded as a peace loving and the most peaceful community in Yakurr. For the avoidance of doubt, Mkpani people have people at high levels of government in Cross River State, Nigeria and the world over who have everything it takes to transform the community for the challenges of the 21st Century. Yet, development eludes it.
Despite, the fact that Mkpani has produced people whose names rings bell far and wide, the community still lacks basic infrastructures such as cottage hospital, good access roads, good market etc. Public Primary and Secondary schools in Mkpani are in a dilapidated condition.
The immediate past Mkpani Town Council administration that was established as a 4th-tier of government to be a link between the community and the government woefully failed the people. But today, the people of Mkpani’s dreams of being a measure force in the Local, state and national politics and beyond has been actualized. Consequently, the ascendancy of HRH Obol Sunday Obono Okoi into the Royal Throne of Mkpani on the 27th, October, 2011 and the subsequent inauguration of a transformative Mkpani Town Council on the 2nd June, 2011, has put the question of bad leadership in Mkpani into a silent mood once again.
First in the agenda of HRH Obol Sunday Obono Okoi was to restore peace in the area, strengthen common grounds; develop new areas of understanding and collaboration to seek fresh ideas that would enrich the community consciousness. That his leadership shall be built on passion and patriotism to match the hopes and aspirations of his people. He thought it wise that he can’t do it alone without the help of God Almighty. He believed that the church as an instrument of societal change and development has a great role to play and he has always involved its members to assist in the peace dialogue among all the component units of Mkpani.
On the Obol Lopon’s coronation acceptance speech on the 18th February, 2012, he promised the people of Mkpani transformative and qualitative leadership. The quality of persons that constitutes the new Mkpani Town Council indicates that, HRH Obol Sunday Obono Okoi is out for serious business.
In his address on the occasion on the 2nd June, 2012, HRH Obol Sunday Obono Okoi salute the people of Mkpani for keeping faith in their dreams for Mkpani ‘project’ whose primary objectives are to promote an endearing brotherhood aimed at preserving the much envied virtue of love and to promote the socio-economic wellbeing of the people.
He stated that “the survival of every community depends on its socio-economic wellbeing which undoubtedly guarantees growth and development. The realization of this goals will remain a dream without an established formidable machinery to effectively manage and coordinate the socio-economic affairs of the community”
He urged the new Councilors to always in good time as well as in trying times advances and protect the interest of Mkpani and not to allow their personal interest to be a stumbling block from doing justice to all. That, the new council should be built on passion and patriotism to match the hopes and aspirations of the people. He further urged them to demonstrate leadership with vision, capacity and sacrifice to transform the community to respond to the challenges of the contemporary age. Pointing out that, they should work to encourage a well regulated and conducive environment to promote commerce and peaceful co-existence among all the people in Mkpani. He stressed that, “Mkpani of our dreams must observe due processes and best practices and be committed to the promotion of a community base on ideas in the service of humanity and be engaged with all forces of good to whom the future happiness and prosperity of the people has a greater appeal”.
He re-affirmed that “the good of Mkpani people is a value above all other considerations and that we shall brook all odds and make necessary sacrifices to realize our collective goals.
Obol Sunday called on the good people of Mkpani both at home and in diaspora to enlist as agent of this transformation. He believed that being a son and daughter of Mkpani is a blessing and a great responsibility.
In his acceptance speech, the new Chairman of Mkpani Town Coucil Evangelist Nnanke Liberty Ibor re-affirmed his commitment to serve his good people of Mkpani. He, however, stated that his acceptance was in view of the fact that this might be the only opportunity to serve his people in the capacity of a Chairman of a Town Council.
Evangelist Nnanke Liberty who was appointed a member, but destiny made him the Chairman highlighted his administration objectives as follows:
(a) Effective revenue generation and adequate utilization of community funds.
(b) Promotion of political and traditional unity.
(c) Unite the sons and daughter of Mkpani both at home and in diaspora.
(d) Improve on the market structures by dialoguing with the government and investors
(e) Aiding Government to control revenue leakages.
(f) Improve on the educational standard of the community.
(g) Create political relevance of the people.
(h) Liaise with the government to improve on the existing infrastructures example SSC, Pipe born water project.
The Chairman pointed out that “to achieve these stated objectives his administration will cherish and carry every person along in the course of handling matters affecting the people of the community and will instill confidence in them, attract and take advantage of any incoming opportunity that suppose to be for the benefit of the community. The council will develop strong affection in coordinating matters of general interest in Mkpani and beyond. The Council is ready to utilize the best of any individual personality trait that lend credence to the smooth functioning of her operational guidelines. The Council will equally recognize and identify with our values as Mkpani people”.
He thank the leadership in Mkpani for finding him worthy to serve in this capacity.
In his comment, the Councilor representing Mkpani/Agoi Ward in the Yakurr Legislature, Hon. Inah Ibor Ubi re-affirmed his commitments to work closely with the new Mkpani Town Council to bring the much needed development to the people. He used the occasion to inform the people of Mkpani that he is undertaking a-ten lock-up shops at the Mkpani main market to boost commercial activities at the market.
Egba Ina Uket former Chairman of Mkpani Town Council and the current special assistant to Cross River State Governor, Liyel Imoke, commended HRH Obol Sunday Okoi the Obol Lopon of Mkpani and the Mkpani Council of Traditional Rulers for their transformative initiatives.
Okoi Utum Ina(Snr) a Lecturer with the College of Education Akamkpa, in his paper highlighted that “thinking of a new Town Council is like saying we have been in slumber for too long. It is time Mkpani people rise to the realities of the emerging new world. That Mkpani cannot as a people afford to remain docile and standoffish as this will be counter-productive, irresponsible, parochial and an unforgivable crime against us and generations yet to come. We must key in and accept the reality of the time and changes. He listed areas of concern to the council to include but not limited to educational empowerment, security challenges, the challenge of HIV/AIDS, cultism and sanitation.
Executive members of the newly formed council are;
1. Hon (Evang.) Nnanke Ibor Oboma (Chairman)
2. Hon. Eteng Okoi Onen (Vice Chairman)
3. Hon. Lawrence Bassey Enang (Secretary)
4. Hon. ThankGod Ina Ofem (Assistant Secretary)
5. Hon. Friday Ubi Ikpi (Financial Secretary)
6. Hon. Onen Igbor Ikoi (Treasurer)
7. Hon (Eld.) Ibiang Samson Obono (Public Relation Officer)
8. Hon. Patrick Ubangha Eno (Provost)
9. Hon. Elijah Ubi Liman
10. Hon. Ebri Nkanu Amos
11. Hon. Mary Bassey Eno
12. Hon. Catherine Omori
13. Hon. Enor Utum Ekambe
14. Hon. Monday Emmanuel Oboma
15. Hon. Usang Effiom Eteng
16. Hon. Ina Eteng Lekam
17. Hon. George Obono Obeten
18. Hon. Sylvester Ubi Omini
19. Hon. Cornelius Ebri Uket
20. Hon. Knight Martins Uket Ekpo
21. Hon. Teresa Uket Ndu
22. Hon. Gift Vincent Obeten
23. Hon. Emmanuela Fidelis Eno
24. Hon. Uket Eteng Oboma
25. Hon. Eugene Eteng Omori
26. Hon. Esther Ibor Akpama
27. Hon. Atim Leko Ettah
28. Hon. Elder David Abam Ofem
29. Hon. Eno Ibor Ofem
30. Hon. Ofem Eteng Enang
31. Hon. Edet Ofem Ibor
32. Hon. Dickson Obeten Ibiang
33. Hon. Patrick Okoi Ofem
34. Hon. Beatrice Okon Effiom
35. Hon. Ofem Egwu Eno
36. Hon. Omini Etim Oboma
37. Hon. Ikpi Ibor Ofem
38. Hon. Ikwo Eyo Ofem
39. Hon. Ikwo Bassey Eteng
40. Hon. (Sp.) Ekor Abam Ofem